The High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands declares that the Judgment that condemned the City Council of Ciutadella for not protecting the residents from the noise of the Pla has not been correctly executed

There are moments that make history. Moments that condense and define our effort, rigor, seriousness, constancy, perseverance with an open-mindedness while addressing our professional cases. I have always said the same thing: one cannot be a good professional if one is not a good person first. I reaffirm myself continuously. The luck I have had … Read more

AVALUA, acoustic engineering of reference in the International Nightlife Association

At AVALUA, we have been actively collaborating with the International Nightlife Association for many years, establishing normative criteria among its members. Verifying and certifying the adequacy of legislative compliance in the field of noise pollution. Designing spaces and implementing corrective measures (passive, active, organisational and operational) in order to guarantee the optimal functioning of leisure … Read more

Hï Ibiza is crowned “World’s Best Club 2024”. From AVALUA we could not be prouder, with our modest contribution, of this effort and joint result.

HÏ Ibiza has been proclaimed winner of the Golden Moon Award for “World’s Best Club 2024”, managing to revalidate for the fifth consecutive year the highest global recognition granted to a nightlife venue at an international level, in the prestigious list ‘The World’s 100 Best Clubs’ 2024 to which nightlife venues from up to 30 … Read more


Congratulations @fullmetalholliday @wackenopenair.official! This is the fifth edition of the event held in Mallorca at the Iberostar Cala Barca. Thank you for trusting @avalua’s acoustic engineering and @ibizarentaudio’s sound system from the beginning. Tonight was the last concert of the #FullMetalHoliday2024 edition, the experience was unforgettable. The best sound with maximum control over the environment. … Read more

A neighbour’s complaint about noise from a bar affects his fundamental rights according to the TSJIB

The technical action of AVALUA together with its legal department headed by the lawyer Francisco J. Ojuelos, makes it clear that in terms of noise pollution the #FundamentalRights cannot be transgressed.  This is reflected in the recent sentence of the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands that condemns the City Council of Ciutadella … Read more

Acoustic conditioning of the indoor tennis courts of the Rafa Nadal Academy

The indoor tennis courts of the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistarhave been acoustically conditioned by Redisba using a Fundermax acoustic compact coating plates system combined with a ROCKWOOL Peninsular rock wool core, following a rigorous study carried out by AVALUA.  Excellence in performance can only be achieved with the joint effort of the integrity of … Read more

Opening of the rehearsal space Es Niu Espai Musical

ES NIU is an innovative space in Palma for musical rehearsals where acoustic quality and comfort are its distinguishing feature. Designed by AVALUA and executed by Acústica Industrial S.L. with the expert direction of the engineer Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres.  A concept that the promoter, Raúl Verdú and associates, have been able to intelligently contribute … Read more

Specialised training for the Environmental Agents of the Government of the Balearic Islands, together with the local police of different municipalities, recruiting them as sonometric inspectors

AVALUA, through its professional activity, is committed to facilitate the objective of improving the quality of life of its fellow citizens and guaranteeing compliance with current noise regulations, facilitating the coexistence and cohabitation of uses. In addition to carrying out its usual task of engineering and testing and inspection laboratory, it has also assumed a … Read more

10th anniversary of acoustic management at Ushuaïa Beach Hotel Ibiza

IN AVALUA we are celebrating 🙌😀!  We have been managing the acoustic response of the world’s Beach Club for 10 years now: Ushuaïa Beach Hotel Ibiza, which has kept its place at the top of the “The World’s 100 best Clubs” list for 10 years. Our high-performance customers know very well that in order to … Read more