Specialised training for the Environmental Agents of the Government of the Balearic Islands, together with the local police of different municipalities, recruiting them as sonometric inspectors

AVALUA, through its professional activity, is committed to facilitate the objective of improving the quality of life of its fellow citizens and guaranteeing compliance with current noise regulations, facilitating the coexistence and cohabitation of uses. In addition to carrying out its usual task of engineering and testing and inspection laboratory, it has also assumed a formative initiative for some time now. It offers specialized training for public administration to help security and inspection forces to learn how to perform sonometric evaluation.

Apart from the teaching it carries out in formal areas of knowledge such as University Master’s Degrees at the UIB, specialized courses for professional colleges of engineering and architecture, for some years AVALUA has also trained local police forces, such as those of Marratxí and the Environmental Agents (Agents de Medi Ambient) of the Government of the Balearic Islands. 

The latest training courses combine theoretical training, which covers acoustic fundamentals, innovative technologies and measurement procedures, competence analysis, regulatory legal framework, together with practical training, which includes fieldwork simulations and data processing. In addition, subsequent accompaniment is offered to consolidate the knowledge acquired. 

AVALUA, with more than 30 years of experience in the field of sonometric inspection, stands out for its rigor and technical competence. Its certifications are backed by ENAC accreditation and comply with the standards of the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, which guarantees the highest qualitative recognition of technical competence and legal validity in its evaluations. 

These trainings are guided by the book “Derecho al silencio. Herramientas jurídico-técnicas contra el ruido“, co-published by the brilliant lawyer, Professor Francisco José Ojuelos Gómez, together with the engineer Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres, CEO & Founder of AVALUA. The book is a legal instrument with technical foundations that allows for extensive in-depth study of the subject. 

AVALUA’s commitment is not limited to mere technical training, but also encompasses the awareness and dissemination of acoustically sustainable practices. Throughout its history, it has collaborated with various institutions to improve the quality of life and the environment, providing solutions and criteria in noise management. Its focus is on transforming social and business behaviour patterns to set the path towards a lower impact of noise pollution, for which the public administration must be the guarantor of ensuring compliance.

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